
Pastoral care is about listening to people and offering support to those who are suffering and in crisis, helping struggling people find purpose, meaning and hope.

Pastoral care can be given through simply making regular phone calls, home visits, or talking to people at morning tea or lunch. St Mark’s has an active group of parishioners who freely give this service to others.

All those who participate in pastoral care, nursing home and home communion have completed Safe Ministry requirements through the Diocese and have Working With Children Checks.

St Mark’s values people of all ages, especially the elderly. Regular monthly services of Bible reading, a brief reflection and communion are held at nursing homes in the area:

Mary Andrews Village, South Hurstville

St Bede’s Home, Aged Care, South Hurstville

Ferndale Gardens Nursing Home, Mortdale

St Mark’s has two Home Communion Assistants who visit parish members who are in nursing homes, in hospital or are house bound. Apart from emergencies, normal visits are on the first and third weeks of the month. Receiving the sacrament is important to St Mark’s Seniors, who are not able to attend Sunday worship.

St Mark’s offers Morning Prayer each Wednesday at 10am (except in January). It is increasingly popular and is a brief time of readings, reflection and prayer. The service is followed by morning tea and a chat.

For any further information, please contact us.