Floral Tributes

It is the practice at St Mark’s that we remember past members, loved ones and special occasions through vases of fresh flowers placed in the sanctuary.  It is an opportunity to give thanks to God for the life and witness of those loved and lost, recalling relationships shared and their example to us.

The tribute is in the form of a donation to cover the cost of flowers – the cost is $100 each week. The tribute is also recognised in the weekly newsletter Connections, during the Prayers and in the Notices.

The colour of the flowers normally compliments the church season but colours that have special meaning can be requested. Flowers help us to recall God’s wonderful creation, adding to the welcoming nature of the worship space.

The tribute date is often a Sunday close to a relevant anniversary that is important to you.  We do not normally decorate the church with flowers during Lent – the six weeks leading up to Easter.

If you wish to make a floral tribute please contact us.